Each Father's Day weekend the West Virginia Deer Association hosts the "Deer Dad Charity Clay Shoot" to raise money in support of our Natural Resources Police Officers and their efforts to combat poaching, trespassing and all other natural resource related crimes throughout the state of West Virginia. |
2023 - Supporting the New K-9 program |
The 2023 Deer Dad Clay Shoot was held on June 17th at Stonewall Sporting Clays in Roanoke, WV. This year's event was dedicated to the new K-9 program and raising funds to purchase Cool Guard Alert Systems for all 6 of the K-9 transport vehicles. The pagers are a backup system to alert the officer of overheating or tampering should they be out of range or if the alarm system should fail. |
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2022 - Tactacam Cellular Trail Cameras |
The 2022 shoot was the first event held by the newly formed West Virginia Deer Association. The goal that year was to raise enough funds to purchase 36 Tactacam Reveal celleular trail cameras to be distributed throughout the state (6 for each DNR District). It was an ambitious goal for a new organization and the first Deer Dad Shoot but through the generosity of attendees and our members we were able to get it done. The cameras have been deployed and in-use throughout WV and have been impactful in catching poachers and illegal dumpers. |